January 11, 2011 Winter Meeting at the Elks 26 Members Attended Photos by Bob Mordecai and Dave Johnson
Posted 1/12/11
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L-2687 VP Dave Beaton and HFRA President Mark Barletta |
9th Meeting of H.F.R.A. Approves By-Laws Association Officers Elected
January 11 - Twenty-six members of the Hamden Fire Retirees' Assn. met today at the Hamden Elks Lodge and approved by-laws that were proposed at the October meeting.
Mark Barletta was elected as the Association's first president. Mark had served as Association chairman since the first meeting in May 2009. The following members were also elected: Bob Viglione, vice-president; Fred "Chick" Manware, treasurer; and Dave Johnson, secretary. These members will serve until December 31.
Three trustees were also elected. Gil Spencer, Jim Leddy, and Bob Mordecai will serve until December 31 of 2011, 2012, and 2013, respectively. Starting with the next election in October, one trustee will be elected every year to serve a three year term.
Newly-elected Vice-President of Local 2687, Dave Beaton, spoke before the gathering on the importance of maintaining strong lines of communication between the active and retired Hamden firefighters. In his capacity as VP of Local 2687, Dave is a member of the joint Benefits Committee of Local 2687 and HFRA. (See the Minutes of the January Meeting for more details.)
Following the meeting, HFRA member Brian Forsyth and his staff at the Elks once again provided a fine meal of homemade chili and french fries, with plenty of refreshments available for all. As always, there were lots of "war stories" and laughs all 'round.
The next HFRA meeting will be held at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, April 12th at the Elks Lodge.
Arriving |
John O'Hare, Bill Davin, Ray Dobbs, Ralph Tortora and John Poe |
Dave McDermott and newest member, Kerry Castracane |
Gil Spencer, Mark Barletta, Bob Mordecai, Ed Doiron, John Poe |
At the Meeting |
Bob Westervelt, Jim Koutsopolos, Carl Backus and Tom Doherty |
Ralph Tortora, Ray Ramelli and Dave McDermott |
Ray Dobbs, John O'Hare, Harold Mangler and Ralph Tortora |