Hamden Launches COVID-19 Portal
on SeeClickFix
Hamden, Conn - Mayor Curt Balzano Leng is pleased to announce that Hamden is activating a new tool to help in the fight to limit the spread of COVID19 and asking residents for their help. The Town has launched a new “Portal” within the SeeClickFix constituent services application, which can be accessed via the Town website and is designed to answer questions, and allow residents to submit reports regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic and potential violations of social distancing orders and business restrictions as imposed by Governor Lamont and Mayor Leng.
This “crowdsourcing” of information will allow the Town to better utilize our Health Department, Police, Parks staff and more to address issues in closer to real time and make every effort to enforce essential social/physical distancing. Residents who notice social distancing violations occurring are encouraged to submit a report through SeeClickFix identifying the location. The Town will conduct friendly visits to these locations to ensure that violations desist and our communities are protected. Of course, all residents are encouraged to enjoy the outdoors during this time – but please remember that there are to be no gatherings of more than 5 people, everyone must exercise 6ft social distancing at all parks and town open space in order for us to continue to be able to safely keep them open.
Playgrounds/playscapes and the dog park are closed. The Town will be actively collaborating with Quinnipiack Valley Health District to ensure that the Governor's Orders regarding the closure of non-essential businesses is enforced. This includes supervision of restaurants and take-out/delivery policies and a new team approach with town staff and the health department working together. Residents noticing any businesses remaining open or violating these Orders are encouraged to immediately report their findings through SeeClickFix. The Health District will conduct violation checks, and will enforce the Governor's Orders with assistance from the Hamden Police Department if necessary.
Mayor Leng commented, “The Town of Hamden is taking a strong stance on social distancing and enforcement. This is the most serious public health crisis in our lifetimes, and by not taking it seriously, we will endanger the lives of our friends and families. Please take this seriously, and utilize this easy to use SeeClickFix tool to ensure we’re all doing everything we can to keep people safe. If you do not have access to SeeClickFix, you can email seeclickfix@hamden.com and the Mayor’s staff will ensure the question or complaint is directed to the proper agency. Download the app, visit Hamden.com, stay informed, and stay home whenever you can.”
The Town's constituent issue resolution platform, SeeClickFix, is available through the town's website www.hamden.com, or by downloading the SeeClickFix application from the Apple Store or Google Play store. Residents are also able to submit issues about all types of constituent needs directly to the Town and receive a follow-up response from town employees, in real time.