Town of Hamden Coronavirus 19 Update:
Actions, Information & Efforts
(Please Give Special Attention If You Are or Interact with the Elderly and/or Anyone with a Compromised Immune System or Other Health Conditions Listed!)
Beginning in late February, Mayor Curt Balzano Leng assigned Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Management. Gary Merwede, as the Town’s early “point-person” to assist in collecting information and ensuring that preparedness activities were being handled associated with local response to Coronavirus 19. The Chief has been an excellent leader, helping our Town be informed and ensuring that our first responders are prepared and equipped.
Since that time, the Town and the Fire Department have been giving information to the public consistent with recommendations that have come from professional sources, including the Center for Disease Control and the State of Connecticut, regarding the healthy behaviors and hygiene, specifically the importance of washing your hands properly, not touching your face and staying home if you are sick.
As the virus has been confirmed in CT, additional preparation and planning efforts have occurred and a series of new recommendations were issues by the Governor Lamont today, some which were specific to new rules for State employees during this time, and others which were recommendations to other employers, including:
From the Governor’s Correspondence:
“ - I’ve asked agency heads to provide a list of any State of Connecticut-organized large meetings, conferences, or gatherings anticipated to have more than 100 people in attendance scheduled between now and April 30. Our administration will evaluate whether these events should move to teleconference or be postponed.
- For events or meetings with large numbers of people within arm’s length of each other, encourage those who are at higher risk due to age (70 or older), cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or chronic lung diseases like COPD, as well as those with severely weakened immune systems, not to attend or dial in.
While these actions may feel overly disruptive to some given the very few cases we’ve seen so far in Connecticut, I believe they are appropriate to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and I’m encouraging all employers in Connecticut to take similar actions.”
The Town of Hamden is implementing the following additional precaution and prevention steps, which began today, consistent with the State’s recommendations and following consultation with the Quinnipiack Valley Health District (our regional Health Department) and other professional sources and staff:
- All Town of Hamden Public Buildings are being sanitized overnight with extensive cleaning, using cleaning protocols given by the Health District. Following this effort, additional daily cleanings routines are being developed and will start rolling out tomorrow at recommended time intervals for our Hamden Public Buildings, especially those with community areas and focusing on commonly touched surfaces and areas. Additional overnight cleaning efforts will remain more robust and will expand if needed or recommended by the Health Department;
- The Town is setting limitations on large group events, assemblies and meetings at Town facilities with close to or more than 100 expected participants to reduce the risk of exposure for all. This is effective Tuesday, March 10th, and follows and remains consistent with the State recommended limitations and actions;
- The Town of Hamden, until further notice, is also banning all out of State business travel, with only emergency exceptions considered and requiring the approval of the Director of Emergency Management;
- The Town will be working with the Elderly Services Department and Quinnipiack Valley Health on extra efforts we can take at our senior center, at senior events and by informing seniors, consistent with the prevention efforts recommended by the State to work to further protect our population that is 70+ and at higher risk;
- The Hamden School District Superintendent discussed matters with the Quinnipiack Valley Health District, participated in the State-wide conference call as well and is continuing to work with his staff to ensure compliance with expert recommendations.
- Mayor, Director of Emergency Management and several members of the Town’s Emergency Management Team will participate in a State Department of Emergency Management DEMHS Region 2 COVID-19 Conference Meeting scheduled for the morning of March 11th and will participate the same day in a Federal Presidential Conference Call Discussion of these matters scheduled for the afternoon. The Town would report any additional information gathered from these two key discussions later the same day if applicable;
- There will be daily coordination with the Hamden Emergency Management team and all Town Departments and Agencies, as well as further coordination efforts with the business and non-profit communities in the days and weeks ahead.
- Hamden will work to keep our residents as informed with any additional information issued from Federal or State Agencies and our local Health Department, with updates, prevention recommendations or changes to policies or protocols
Beyond these protocols and action steps, the Town of Hamden would like to highly encourage all residents and visitors to please ensure you are doing the most important and highly recommended actions you can do to help prevention efforts, which is Encourage Healthy Behaviors:
- Encourage and engage in frequent hand washing, for a minimum of 20-seconds.
- Use hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60% alcohol content when you may not be able to wash your hands.
- Refrain from touching your eyes, mouth, face, and nose.
- If you are not feeling well, stay home and away from people
- Cover sneezes and coughs with your arm.
- Anyone who is not feeling well and especially if you have a fever, should stay home.
- If you are not feeling well or exhibiting symptoms, you should contact your doctor and discuss or call the State’s Emergency Coronavirus Hotline if you have questions and don’t have a doctor to call. Anyone with questions relating to Coronavirus can call 2-1-1 or text "CTVOID" to 898211. The 2-1-1 hotline is available 24 hours a day.
- Avoid hand shaking and teach others to elbow bump as a means of social greetings.
- For events or meetings with large numbers of people within arm’s length of each other, encourage those who are at higher risk due to age (70 or older), cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or chronic lung diseases like COPD, as well as those with severely weakened immune systems, not to attend or dial in.
- Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious foods.
Suggested links to review:
For the most up-to-date information from the State of Connecticut, as well as guidance and other resources, visit
Anyone with questions relating to Coronavirus can call 2-1-1 or text "CTVOID" to 898211. The 2-1-1 hotline is available 24 hours a day.