Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
CLICK here for daily flag status |
FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2016
Website is updated every Friday - Important interim updates will be posted when necessary
CLICK to monitor HFD radio |
"It was the 3rd of June, another sleepy, dusty, Delta day . . . "
The Hamden Guardian Services Retirees Association (retired police & fire) met last Tuesday evening and re-elected the organization's Executive Board for another four years. Minutes of the meeting have been emailed to all online members.
The Hamden Fire Retirees Association will be holding its July meeting a week later than usual, either on Wednesday, July 20th or Thursday, July 21st. It will be an evening meeting. The exact date of the meeting and the menu will be emailed to all members and posted here once they are known.
Photo by Shirley Mangler |
Firefighter Harold Mangler and Firefighter/Paramedic Kevin O'Hare are pictured here at Station 3 in a photo dated 1993. Looks like Engine 1, one of HFD's two 1968 Maxim S Models, was subbing for Engine 3.
Posted 6/3/2016
Seat belts, a handy guardrail and proximity to
Station 4 benefit two very fortunate car occupants.
This car went off the northbound side of Wilbur Cross Parkway last Tuesday afternoon, near the northbound Whitney Avenue exit and entrance ramps. Arriving on scene at 1300 hours, the personnel of Squad 1 and Rescue 1 began patient treatment and vehicle stabilization. An immediate request for assistance brought Tower 1 and Engine 2 to the scene to help prevent the automobile from falling off the retaining wall and to assist with rescue.
Hamden Fire Department Photo |
Firefighters chained the car to the guardrail to maintain its stability, then placed simple lifelines on each patient, who were then assisted to stretchers a few feet away. Firefighter Scott Blake is positioned on the ladder as a safety measure in case someone slipped.
Engine 2, seen in the photo, was positioned up on the parkway, while the Squad, Tower 1 and Rescue 1 were in a small unpaved area adjacent to the parkway overpass on the east side of Whitney Avenue. Parkway traffic flow was reduced to a single lane when state police closed the traffic lane closest to the accident.
The two vehicle occupants, a male driver and female passenger, were both extricated within 15 minutes of arrival. They were transported to Yale-New Haven Hospital via AMR for treatment and evaluation. The extent of their injuries do not appear to be life threatening at this time. The cause of the accident is under investigation by the Connecticut State Police. .
Posted 6/3/16
[The website thanks the Fire Chief's Office and Dep. Chief Gary Merwede for providing this article and photo.)
Training 60 Years Ago
June 3, 1956
Training Officer Hume |
In November 1954, the department's three shift commanders, Captains Joe Hromadka, Everett Doherty, and Paul Leddy were summarily promoted to the newly created rank of Battalion Chief. The department's only three lieutenants, James Strain, Emil Strain and Daniel Hume, were all summarily promoted to the rank of captain. The three positions of lieutenant were left vacant until two years later.
The June 3, 1956 New Haven Sunday Register news article below provides and interesting picture of the department hierarchy sixty years ago and how Hamden's volunteer fire companies were trained in-house before the department had a training officer and long before state certification training was available.
Until the position of training officer was established in late 1956, training on all three shifts was the responsibility of the individual battalion chiefs, assisted by their only company officers, the captains.
Mentioned in the newspaper article is Captain Dan Hume who, a few months later, was promoted to the rank of battalion chief and appointed as the department's first training officer. The lieutenant positions, vacant for the previous two years, were also filled at that time.
Posted 6/3/16
New Haven Sunday Register, June 3, 1956 (Courtesy of Chan Brainard) |
Posterity Project
Platoon 3 - Station 3
A website celebration of today's future HFD retirees.
Left to right: Capt. Jason Blyth, Lieut. Jay Matthews, Ff. Kevin Shields,
Ff. Seth Patrick, Ff. Dave Wood and Ff. Mike Onofrio.
Posted 6/3/16
The website is taking the summer off this year.
The last regular weekly update will be Friday, June 24th.
Regular updates will resume Friday, September 9th.
As always, important notifications and reports of significant incidents
will be posted immediately on the HOME page - so keep checking in.
Dave J.
2016 Harley Davidson to be Raffled!
The Renegade Pigs Motorcycle Club, Gertz-Meriden Motorcycle Club of Connecticut, Inc. is comprised of police officers, firefighters, and any other public safety officers or employees. The club sponsors the High Hopes Home in Meriden for severely handicapped and abandoned children.
The Club also makes donations to other charities during the year, including Thanksgiving and Christmas turkeys for the Home, the Meriden Fire Department and, when possible, other organizations that support their cause. The Club's only source of income is an annual Motorcycle Raffle.
This year's raffle prize - the ONLY prize - is a
Brand New 2016 Harley Davidson Street Glide!
Only 2000 tickets will be sold, at a cost of $20.00 per ticket.
And if the winner prefers, the dealer will negotiate a cash buy-back.
The drawing for this beautiful motorcycle will take place on July 30th at 5:00 p.m. at the Meriden American Legion, Post #45, 835 Hanover Rd., Meriden, Connecticut. The lucky winner need not be present at the drawing, but is responsible for all taxes.
Contact Rich (Rambo) Maybury at 203-927-1641 for a ticket (or tickets) and/or for more information.