Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
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Website is updated every Friday - Important interim updates will be posted when necessary
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Oil Truck Emergency
Ridge Road, between Park Rd. and State St.
Tuesday, February 23, 1943
In front of 81 Ridge Road |
| The story behind this heavily damaged oil truck is unclear, but it may involve the Olds roadster in the background. The handline lying in the road was probably off Co. 6's 1926 Maxim pumper (see photo below), a recent hand-me-down from the Highwood company.
This I.A. Sneiderman photo, courtesy of D/C Gary Merwede, shows three fairly new homes on the northeast side of Ridge Road. The vacant lot after the third house would be the site of two more new homes by 1952.
Same view - February 19, 2015 |
CLICK on either photo to enlarge
Posted 2/20/15
Ff. Joseph Marchito ("Joe Marcks") and Ff. Clem Kammerer aboard the 1926 Maxim on a 1939 visit to Sta. 3 on Putnam Ave. |
This 1926 Maxim equipped with a 500 GPM rotary gear pump was purchased new for Highwood Co. 1. It was transferred to Merritt Street Co. 6 in 1942, where it remained for ten years. It was then housed as a spare at Whitneyville until January 18, 1954, when it was traded in for $900 toward the purchase of a new Maxim 750 GPM S Model.
Posted 2/20/15
Ff/Paramedic Pereira |
Good Luck, Greg!
February 28th will mark the official last day on the job for 20-year veteran Firefighter/Paramedic Greg Pereira. Greg's retirement was approved at the February 11th meeting of the Hamden Retirement Board, where HFD representative Capt. Greg Bannon praised Ff. Pereira for his dedication as a firefighter and having maintained his paramedic certification during his entire twenty years of service. The HFRA wishes Greg many happy and healthy years of retirement.
Posted 2/20/15
February 15, 1968
Department members collected $4,300 during January M.D.A. Campaign
(and that was 47 years ago!)
L-R: Ray Vreeland, Milner Benham, D/C George Reutenauer, Paul Reutenauer, Gil Spencer, Bob "Whitey" Williams, and Charlie Esposito - CLICK to view MDA video. |
Since the 1960s, Hamden firefighters have been enthusiastic supporters of the annual Muscular Dystrophy Association fundraising activities. CLICK on this photo to view two 1980s check presentations by Local 2687 president, John Corbett, during the annual Jerry Lewis MDA telethons.
Reposted 2/20/15
Sharron's Restaurant
421 Morse Street
February 23, 1957
Ana-Film Studio Photo courtesy of D/C Gary Merwede |
| According to an article in the New Haven Evening Register, improperly stored rubbish was the cause of a fire that did "considerable damage" to the exterior of 421 Morse Street, which housed Sharron's Restaurant on the first floor and a couple of apartments above.
Adjacent to the old Canal Line, this building is long gone, having been replaced by a newer garage-style building that is part of Tint Works at 921-923 Dixwell Avenue. But the three-family apartment across the street in the 1957 photo still survives (below).
February 19, 2015 |
CLICK on either photo to enlarge
Posted 2/20/15
Battle of Iwo Jima began
70 years ago this week
We remember our fallen
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