Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
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70 Years Ago
Fire Sweeps Through Church Street School Classrooms
February 20, 1944
For the second time in a generation, the meeting rooms at the Humphrey fire station (Station 2) served as temporary classrooms for Hamden grammar school students who were displaced by fire.
La Mesa, California resident Lil Larsen Peters, formerly of Hamden, was a 4th grader at Church Street School when the fire occurred. Lil recalled attending classes at the Circular Avenue fire station until repairs were completed at Church Street School.
The original Church Street School building, erected around 1920, was razed and replaced with the present building in 1990.
Posted 2/21/14
Check out this news story posted on AOL. An ad may play first.
Laying Supply Lines Before LDH - Pt. 2
July 1982
A typical "caption" slide used in Dep. Chief Tramontano's training presentations. Rather primitive by today's standards, it was the best way to do it in 1982. The lettering was typed on a 3x5 card and shot with a close-up lens attached to a 35mm camera. |
Following up on the training photos featured two weeks ago, here are a few more views that then-Dep. Chief Tramontano shot to demonstrate just how, and in what order, the tools were attached to the female end of the 3" supply line. Featured was Ff. Bob Anthony, who went on to serve as Local 2687 president from 1993 until his retirement in 2005 after 25 years of service. CLICK on the smaller photos to enlarge them.
Posted 2/21/14
1. A rubber strap is tied just above the female coupling. |
2. A hydrant wrench is slipped onto the loop. |
3. Then a spanner wrench is slipped on. |
4. A carabiner is attached to the end of the strap. |
5. The carabiner is connected to a 2-1/2" hydrant gate. |
Hamden's first new postwar pumper dedicated to
the memory of Commissioner William D. Daymon
This memorial plaque honored William D. Daymon, who passed away suddenly during his term on the Hamden Board of Fire Commissioners. It was mounted on the 1951 Maxim, the first new piece of Hamden fire apparatus purchased after Commissioner Daymon's death in 1945.
Other pieces of Hamden fire apparatus also had similar memorial plaques mounted in addition to the dedication plaques that listed the Town officials who were in office when the apparatus was purchased. (CLICK to enlarge)
Posted 2/21/14
The memorial plaque honoring Commissioner William D. Daymon
can be seen just aft of the righthand-side discharge port of the 1951 Maxim.
(Frank Wegloski photo courtesy of Daryl Osiecki)
Courtesy of the the family of Sid Trower |
February 18, 1954
60 years ago this week, The Hamden Chronicle reported that the Hamden Paid Firemen's Sick Benefit Association donated a pair of sterilizers to the Visiting Nurse Association of Hamden. The HPFSBA frequently made these types of donations to benefit local health agencies.
The HPFSBA, organized in 1948, was the bargaining unit for all non-management fire personnel until The Hamden Firefighters' Association was formed in 1978, the latter association being replaced the following year by the Hamden Professional Firefighters Association, IAFF. The HPFSBA continued as a benefits association for those Hamden firefighters who chose to belong, but was finally dissolved in 1995.
Posted 2/21/14