Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 Website is updated every Friday - Important interim updates will be posted when necessary
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Crews of Engine 3 and Rescue 1 on "old" 1st Platoon in front of Station 2
1964 - Old Platoon 1 Crew of Engine 3 and Rescue 1 (at Station 2): Lt. Joe McDermott, Ff. Dave Herrmann, Ff. Ray Bantz, Ff. Jerold Bradbury and Ff. Howard Hurlburt, Sr. (Courtesy of Joe McDermott) |
Minnesota Student Restoring a 95-Year Old Truck
Just Like HFD's 1918 Chemical Truck
CLICK HERE to view more about this truck |
Troy Vetsch's 1918 Stewart Truck (CLICK to enlarge) |
We received an email during the week from website visitor Troy Vetsch, a Stewartville, Minnesota college student. Troy is currently restoring a 1918 Stewart truck very similar to the Stewart chemical trucks bought by the Highwood and Mt. Carmel fire companies in 1918.
Troy asked if we had any photos that might aid with his restoration project. We had only three, but we were happy to send him jpgs. Troy replied immediately with a sincere message of thanks and appreciation, and he provided some great photos and background information on his project.
New Haven Register, Tuesday, November 19, 1963 (Courtesy of Chan Brainard) |
1982 - Repacking hose on Leeder Hill Drive
1982 - Platoon 1 Firefighters John Calamo (in foreground), John Corbett (at left on tailboard) and Mike Murray (up top). This is one of the two 1968 Maxim S Models. Note the rear compartment door has been removed. Some of these 1960s and 1970s Maxims did not fare very well when it came to rust. - Photo by John Tramontano |
Co. 5's 1930 Maxim 600 GPM (CLICK to enlarge) |
Co. 8's 1918 Stewart Chemical (CLICK to enlarge) |
| The Great Depression hadn't as yet kicked into high gear when a brand new $8,500 1930 Maxim 600 g.p.m. pumper was delivered to Hamden on January 6, 1930. But it would be the last full size Hamden fire apparatus to be purchased for the next eight years.
The 1930 Maxim - some fire department records list it as a 1929 - was assigned to Co. 5 in Mt. Carmel, replacing the 1918 Stewart chemical truck purchased new by Co. 5 for $1,900 in December 1918.
Engine 7 on a 1935 Dodge Bros. Chassis |
On August 18, 1930, Co. 5's 1918 Stewart went to Dunbar Hill Volunteer Co. 8. The 1910 Locomobile chemical truck that had been donated to Co. 8 by the Whitneyville volunteers in February of 1928 was stored at Station 4 and eventually sold.
On August 12, 1935, the Mix District Volunteer Fire Co. 7 purchased a brand new Dodge Bros. truck for $750. They added a 150 g.p.m. pump, a booster reel, ladders and additional assorted equipment. The body of Co. 7's 1918 Stewart chemical truck was removed and placed on the new Dodge. Co. 7's 1918 Stewart was purchased new by Highwood in February 1918 for $1,800.
Easily the longest serving piece of apparatus in Hamden Fire Department history, Co. 7's 1935 Dodge - Engine 47 - remained in active service well into the 1980s. It is still owned by the Mix District volunteers and appears annually in Hamden's Memorial Day parades.
Posted 11/15/13
Hamden Fire Department Apparatus Inventory 1935
Station 1 – Highwood Engine 1 – 1926 Maxim 500 g.p.m. pumper Hook & Ladder – 1926 Maxim city service ladder truck
Station 2 – Humphrey Engine 2 – 1919 Seagrave 750 g.p.m. pumper
Station 3 – Whitneyville Engine 3 – 1928 Maxim 750 g.p.m. pumper Station 4 (Headquarters) – Centerville Engine 4 – 1925 Seagrave 350 g.p.m. pumper Station 5 – Mt. Carmel Engine 5 – 1930 Maxim 600 g.p.m. pumper - Delivered 1/6/30 - $8,500
Station 6 – Merritt Street Engine 6 - 1924 Stutz 350 g.p.m. pumper Station 7 – Mix District Engine 7 – 1935 Dodge 150 g.p.m. pumper - Purchased 8/12/35 - $750 Station 8 – Dunbar Hill Engine 8 – 1918 Stewart Chemical Truck