| World War II
Honor Roll
(Originally Posted Memorial Day 2010)
New Haven Journal-Courier, August 15, 1945 - CLICK to enlarge |
| On this 65th anniversary of the end of World War II, it is especially fitting to remember those Hamden firefighters who served in the U.S. military during World War II. For well over a generation, they represented the majority of the personnel who served on the Hamden Fire Department. "Bless 'em all!"
Hamden's World War II Honor Roll, which stood on the site of the future Miller Memorial Library until 1951. |
Lawrence Bellemore
Edward Bevins
Warren Blake
William Bossoli
Robert Callahan
Michael Cantarella
Raymond Carofano
Joseph Collins
Fiore Cubbellotti
Thomas Cummins
Francis Eitler
William Esposito
Salvatore Ferraro
Frederick Fletcher
Kenneth Harrington
David Herrmann Burton Hillocks
| William Hines
John Hoffman
David Howe
Joseph Hromadka
Howard Hurlburt, Sr.
Samuel Jones Stewart Keeler
Frederick Knudsen
John Laffin
Francis Leddy
V. Paul Leddy
Richard Lostritto
Eugene Maturo
Joseph McDermott
John McKee
Hugh McLean Russell Norman
| Daniel O'Connell Robert O'Donnell Joseph Rahl Alfred Ramelli George Reutenauer Paul Rosadina Vincent Roth Mario Serafino Arthur Smith Richard Stacey Emil Strain James Strain Luke Tobin Sidney Trower Raymond Vreeland Robert Williams Gerald Wolf
Please keep all of our
troops, past and present, in your thoughts and prayers.
A notation regarding the Honor Roll listed in the 1942 Hamden Town Report reads, "With no official list of names obtainable, it is regretted that names may, inadvertently, have been omitted." The website's list was compiled from Town Reports and other sources. Corrections are welcome.
Originally posted on 5/30/10