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Brion Tierney Named Battalion Chief
(September 24) - The Hamden Board of Fire Commissioners on Wednesday evening named 24-year department veteran Brion Tierney the 26th individual promoted to lead a platoon of officers and firefighters since control of the department's line operations by career officers was instituted nearly 80 years ago.
B/C Tierney joined the department in September 1997, and earned promotions to lieutenant in 2004 and captain in 2009. As captain he was assigned to Platoon 4, where he will continue as shift commander, replacing recently retired B/C Gary Couture.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Connecticut State University, numerous certifications through the Connecticut Fire Academy and National Fire Academy, and he continues to teach classes at the Fairfield Regional Fire School
* On and off-duty personnel, along with some retired department members, began filing into the town hall rotunda. An estimated total of 80+ individuals attended. |
* B/C-designate Brion Tierney, Chief Gary Merwede, and Asst. Chief Charles Lubowicki |
On Friday morning, September 24, 2021, a very large group of active and retired department members, along with town officials, family and friends were on hand in Hamden's Legislative Council chamber for the swearing-in of newly-promoted Battalion Chief Brion Tierney.
In his opening remarks, Chief Gary Merwede thanked the group for their support of the Hamden Fire Department, "and for attending this brief, but extremely important ceremony."
The Chief noted, "At the beginning of this month, Captain Tierney completed 24 years of service on our department - nearly a quarter of a century of responding to the needs of the Hamden community, working his way through the ranks. and developing his leadership style in preparartion for this day." Chief Merwede added, "he is known for his quick wit and good nature, traits that have served him well in the stressful environment of first responders."
* Asst. Town Clerk Susan Dercole administered the oath to B/C Tierney. It's official! |
* Wife Kirsten pins on his new badge |
* A good-luck kiss |
* Batt. Chief and Mrs. Brion Tierney |
* Congrats from the boss |
* Chief Merwede, B/C Tierney, and Asst. Chief Lubowicki |
Batt. Chief Tierney will command Platoon 4. Platoon 4 was created in 1970 with the adoption of a 42-hour workweek for Hamden Fire Department line personnel. The first commander of Platoon 4 was Francis Leddy (1970-86), who was succeeded in 1986 by Gilbert Spencer (1986-92). Mike Ambriscoe led the shift from 1993 until 2004, when he was succeeded by David Strawhince. In 2010, Strawhince was succeeded by Sam DeBurra, who was succeeded in 2015 by Gary Couture, who retired last month.