Spring 2017
Twenty-two members attended the 34th meeting of the HFRA. Check out the minutes by clicking on the link at right.
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HFRA Spring Meeting - Wednesday morning, April 12th at the Elks (CLICK to enlarge) |
Standing (L-R): Paul Tavaras, Augie Williams, Jim Koutsopolos, Ray Dobbs, Dave Strawhince, Bob Viglione, Tom Doherty,
Brian Forsyth, Mark Pratt, Jim Leddy Bob Surprise, Don LaBanca, Jim Dunlop, Jimmy Moore, and Chick Manware.
Seated (L-R): Harold Mangler, John Reynolds, Bob Mordecai, Dave Johnson, and Gil Spencer.
Bob Mordecai, Augie Williams and Bob Surprise |
Harold and Jim |
Mark and John Reynolds |
Jimmy K and Bobby V |
Tom and Gil |
Brian Forsytrh, Paul Tavaras, Mark Pratt and Chick Manware |
Below: Bobby V was presented with a glossy of a 45-year old photo of the ice rescue of a youthful hockey player from a pond off Mix Avenue. Bob was among the rescuers, which included Walt Macdowall, Eddie Charbonneau, Gerry Wolf and Co. 7 volunteer Wes DeGroot. Bob's the one wearing turnout gear. This New Haven Register photo by John Mongillo Jr. was later published in the February 4, 1972 edition of LIFE magazine.