Hamden Fire Retirees’ Association Minutes – January 12, 2010
Chairman Mark Barletta called the fifth meeting of the Hamden Fire Retirees’ Association to order at 1:35 p.m. at the Hamden Elks Hall on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. Members present: Anthony, Backus, Barletta, Dievert, Dobbs, Doherty, Doiron, Dunlop, Forsyth, Johnson, Leddy, Lostritto, Mangler, Manware, Mayhew, B. Mikolinski, Moore, R. Mordecai, O’Hare, Spencer, Tortora, Williams, Yoga (23) The chair thanked and congratulated Brian Forsyth for the excellent dinner that he and his wife, Karen, arranged through the Hamden Elks. Brian acknowledged the efforts of Cathie Martus, Chairman of the House Committee; as well as Joe Battista; Robin Fusco, who cooked the meals; Harry Richetelle; Danny Reutenauer; and Brian’s wife, Karen, who made most of the arrangements. The members present gave a huge round of applause for a job well done. Secretary Dave Johnson read the minutes of the November 10th meeting. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as read. The Secretary reported that since the previous meeting, e-mails, regular mail, or phone calls with comments and contributions have been received from Bob Kelo, Charlie Carlson, Joe McDermott, Bob Slater, Tim Sullivan, Chan Brainard, Bob Chadwick, Don Steele, and current Deputy Fire Chief Clark Hurlburt. Treasurer Chick Manware reported that a total of 54 members have paid the $12 dues for 2010. There were no expenses since the November meeting. COMMITTEES - History Committee - The website continues to receive donations of pictures and news articles. Bob Mordecai has sent over 100 pictures taken from 2000 to 2004 involving various training activities. The Secretary reported that stories and pictures were posted in December about the 1964 fires at the Weather Vane and Reilly’s restaurants. Several of the members who were on the job at the time contributed their recollections. There have been over 8,000 hits so far. There will be a 25th anniversary feature on the French-Italian fire to be posted later this month. Sunshine Committee – Fortunately, the committee has had no need to send flowers or cards since the November meeting. Members who learn of the passing of a retiree or a close family member of a retiree are asked to immediately contact both Brian Forsyth (203-887-3409) and Dave Johnson (203-288-2214). Brian will ensure that flowers or a card is sent to the family, and Dave will notify all members by US mail. Death notices will also be posted on the website once they are first published in the local newspaper. OLD BUSINESS - Widows – The Secretary reported that he does not yet have a complete list of the widows. Incorporation – The committee to investigate incorporation will report at the April meeting. NEW BUSINESS – The Chair introduced Bob Anthony, past-president of the Hamden Professional Firefighters Assn., Local 2687, I.A.F.F., who is one of our retirees. Bob is the District Vice President of the U.P.F.F.A. of Connecticut, Chairman of the Alumni Association. He reported that the Alumni Association was formed only a few years ago in order to protect the benefits of retired firefighters. A few years back, they were able to prevent a legislative initiative by the C.C.M. that would have allowed municipalities to put all retirees under the existing medical plans of active firefighters. Bob spoke about the so-called Windfall Provision tax. Right now, some retirees who are over 62 and also worked non-fire department jobs are receiving reduced Social Security benefits because they also receive a pension. There is some question as to whether or not firefighters who were vested in their pensions before 1986 can legally have their social security benefits reduced. Bob said that the UPFFA wants to get a database of retired firefighters. He invited members to the next monthly meeting at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, February 2nd at the UPFFA office at 30 Sherman Street, West Hartford, CT. The Chair thanked Bob for his report and urged members to attend the meeting on February 2nd. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION – There was a discussion on how often the Fire Retirees’ Assn. should meet. The consensus of the members present was that we should try to hold future meetings about three months apart, without interfering with major holidays or the annual dinner of Local 2687. A suggestion was made that the next meeting be held on a Wednesday. By a show of hands, the members opted for a brunch at the Elks, to begin at 11 a.m, on Wednesday, April, 21st. Brian will provide menu and price details later on. They will be posted on the website and meeting remainder cards will be sent to all members. The Secretary reported that Richie Lostritto wanted the members to know about Life Line preventative health screening program to be held on Thursday, February 4th at the Mt. Carmel Congregation Church on Whitney Avenue, opp. Sherman Avenue. For more information call 1-800-641-9547. There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Bob Mordecai and seconded by Chick Manware to adjourn at 2:10 p.m. Passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, David G. Johnson Secretary