May 1961 Sam Jones was a Pioneer
From the minutes of the Hamden Board of Fire Commissioners, May 8, 1961: "Chairman [Elton] Wetmore moved and Mr. [George] Hindinger seconded a motion that Samuel Jones be appointed to the Dept. effective immediately. Mr. [Michael] Sullivan made the choice unanimous." When Sam Jones was appointed to the Hamden Fire Department, he became the first African-American career firefighter in the Department's history. Sam's son, Ken, sent us the New Haven Register photo (below) and accompanying article. "I have fond memories of the Hamden Fire Dept," Ken wrote. "I used to slide down the pole in the mid 70's and firefighters also helping my father with projects around the house. One name I remember is Gene Maturo." Ken Jones also works as a firefighter in East Point, Georgia. Sam has been retired since 1990. He's doing well and now lives in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Sam Jones was a pioneer |