June 3, 2001
Ten years ago, Bob Mordecai took these photos of a nasty auto accident that demolished a late model Cadillac on Whitney Avenue in Mt. Carmel. This was when the 1990 Pierce aerial ladder truck was running out of Station 5 as "Truck 5." Lieutenants Brian Forsyth and Gary Couture, and Firefighters Ed Emerson, Kerry Castracane, Mike Green, Sam DeBurra, and Gary Greene are some of the personnel who can be identified in these photos.
Posted 6/3/11
Photo by I.A. Sneiderman |
This 40-year old photo shows an unidentified Hamden firefighter (with booster line), HPD Sgt. Henry "Dutch" Otto and HFD Lieut. Jack Laffin. The late model Camaro flipped over on Dixwell Avenue at the railroad bridge when the young driver "tried to climb the abutment on left," according to notations on the photo. The young woman driver was pinned inside her car, but was extricated by firefighters who pried open the passenger side door. Posted 5/13/11
Early 1950s - Whitney Avenue near Augur Street. (Photo by Chan Brainard) |