The Story of Our Flag Goes on the Road
11/9/10 - Mark Barletta and Dave Johnson display WWII-era 48-star flag at Parkman Elementary School in Enfield (Kita photo) |
Mark receives $100 donation to HFRA from Carolyn Kita, President of the Parkman P.T.O. |
Last Fourth of July, the New Haven Register ran an article about the 50th anniversary of the 50-star flag that featured Mark Barletta and Dave Johnson discussing the history of the American flag. Carolyn Kita was inspired. Carolyn is the President of the Edgar Parkman Elementary School P.T.O. in Enfield. She wanted the students at Parkman to know more about the history of the American flag, so she contacted Mark and Dave to ask if they would visit Parkman to tell the story of the flag.
On Tuesday, November 9th, the two members of the H.F.R.A. drove to Enfield with their flags and gave two presentations before the students and teachers at Parkman. The reaction was amazing. And the P.T.O. generously donated $100 to the H.F.R.A.
Following the presentation, Mrs. Kita wrote in an email to the HRFA, "On behalf of Parkman, we can not extend our appreciation and gratitude enough to [Dave and Mark]. Several of the teachers approached me at the end of the school day voicing their appreciation as well. I received e-mails from parents as well that their children found the presentation very interesting. I must say the students really enjoyed seeing your collection of flags and hearing the history. Clearly your presentation will have a life long impression on our Parkman community."
We thank the Parkman P.T.O. for their generous donation and for the opportunity to speak to their students about the Flag.
Posted 11/18/10