"Good Morning and welcome to our 2022 Awards Ceremony, I would like to recognize Mayor Garrett and her staff, members of our Legislative Council, Fire commissioners, state delegation, community members, family, friends and fellow firefighters.
"It has been a while since the Hamden Fire Department has had an awards ceremony. As firefighters we are fortunate to come to work every day, truly enjoying a profession that brings pride to the job we perform. We don’t look for recognition, praise, or certainly awards. Our goal is community service, starting with Life Safety, stabilization of emergencies, and the conservation of property. We can only accomplish these tasks through teamwork, teamwork built by strong leadership, training, education and trust.
"It is often in our line of work that we see the unfortunate loss of life and property. Life beyond valued and property that has been work so hard to achieve. This deep tragedy is often hard to process, especially after seeing it time and time again. But, together we support one another as a team, family and community.
"This year, one of the driving factors of today’s ceremony is exactly that, the ability to see the faintest light in the darkest of times. To remember the positive influence we can have on one another and how together we can make a difference.
"Our community has exemplified the meaning of come together to lend aid beyond imagination and bring hope. Throughout today’s ceremony we will recognize these individuals, and you will hear from our officers who have commanded these emergencies and the crews who worked together to give continued life to those they saved.
"The Hamden Fire Department responds to over ten thousand calls for service a year with 100 of the most highly trained and motivated firefighters. I am positive that there are many more acts of valor, calls deeming recognition and acts of compassion that we have missed, and of that I am deeply regret.
"Our goal is to continue to strengthen the resilience of our Town and provide the safety and security we swore to protect. We look forward to future opportunities to educate the public on CPR, First Aid and the use of AEDs, to provide a Heartsafe community. Together we all can make a difference. Thank you to each and every one of you!"