Assistant Chief Naples Sworn In
March 24 - The rotunda of Hamden's Memorial Town Hall was packed with dozens of active, retired, and out-of-town fire department members yesterday morning as sixteen-year department veteran Jeffrey Naples was sworn in as the department's tenth assistant chief.
Kicking off the swearing-in ceremony, Chief Gary Merwede welcomed the large crowd, which included chief officers and other members of the surroundiung departments of Cheshire, North Haven, East Haven, New Haven, and Branford, as well as retired Hamden Capt. Hugh O'Callaghan, who retired from Hamden in 2019 to become Asst. Chief of the West Hartford Fire Department. It was Callaghan's captain's vacancy that Naples filled in May 2019.
The Chief also acknowledged with praise current Local 2687 President Dave Beaton, whom he characterized as "a tireless champion on behalf of his members," noting further that he appreciated Beaton's leadership.
Regarding Asst. Chief Naples' new career path, Chief Merwede offered a somewhat cautionary note, "In January 2014 I was sworn in to the position of Assistant Fire Chief under retired Chief David Berardesca . . . Having stood in the same position as Jeff now stands, I knew there would be challenges. I did not know there would be two tornadoes, a hurricane, several multiple-alarm fires, and a two-year long worldwide pandemic.
"The point is not that large impact events will conrtinually challenge the Hamden Fire Department - because they udoubtedly will. The point is that the officers and members of our department will always rise to the occasion and that is why I am continually thankful for their service. I know you are as well."
Naples' career and academic accomplishments will serve him and the department well. "[He] has been preparing himself for this department-wide leadership opportunity for years. He has committed himself to a process of life-long learning, a path that led him initially to become an educator in North Haven Public Schools, where he taught Science."
The Chief continued, "After going all-in on a career in the professional fire service, changing jobs and joining the department in 2006, Jeff pursued and achieved a Master of Science degree in Emergency Management from the University of New Haven. He is a certified Fire Officer, Fire Instructor, Incident and Health & Safety Officer, and recently completed Command and Control of Incident Operations and the U.S. Fire Academy."
Introducing the Mayor, the Chief remarked, "As Chief of the Department, I am proud of the quality of internal fire officer candidates that Mayor Garrett considered through her interview process for assistant chief. Growing credible leadership and succession planning is the goal of every chief officer, and I'd be remiss if I did not thank Mayor Garrett for her thoughtful consideration and this appointment."
Only four months into her administration, Mayor Lauren Garrett has already witnessed the swearing-in of four firefighter-paramedics, two lieutenants, four captains, one battalion chief, and now the assistant fire chief.
"This was my first big appointment that required a lot of decision making," the Mayor noted, "and I was so confident after this interview to name Asst. Chief Naples. The way that he answered questions took so much thought and executive level thinking, and the care that he exudes in diversifying our department, the care about his fellow firefighters, I was thrilled to make this appointment."
Mayor Lauren Garrett's appointment of Naples to this critical department position demonstrates once again that an all-out effort to improve one's knowledge, skills, and abilities, coupled with years of practical leadership experience, is the key to advancing the fire department.
Son Marcello Naples does the pinning honors, followed by a handshake and a hug for Dad.
"It's returning everyone home to their families at the end of their tour, ensuring the safety of our community through a compassionate and professional service."
Following the oath, Asst. Chief Naples addressed the crowd by thanking Mayor Garrett, Chief Merwede, his parents and the rest of his family, and by praising his fellow Hamden firefighters.
"The Hamden Fire Department is comprised of some of the most talented, dedicated firefighters this nation has to offer. The backbone of our profession is community service, pride, teamwork, and the ability to help others in times of dire need. Our members exemplify these traits in every aspect of their lives. As a team it takes all of us to work together to ensure that we will continue to provide the safety for those that we serve.
"Many recent retirements have left voids in our officer and senior firefighter ranks along with the wisdom and experience that is difficult to replace. But I am confident, though, that through the motivated, educated, and enthusiastic new officers and leaderships that we will rise up stronger and better prepared for the future of the fire service."
"Now is a critical time to empower our future leaders with the knowledge, the resources, and the equipment to succeed and continuously foster high-performing crews.
"I look forward to the opportunity to support Chief Merwede and to continue to move the department forward, taking a proactive approach I plan to build relationships and bonds with our stake holders, creating awareness and opening up opportunities.
"The role of assistant fire chief is not about me, but about the firefighters that I work along side of, the 60,000+ citizens that call Hamden home, and the thousands of commuters who travel through our town daily. It's returning everyone home to their families at the end of their tour, ensuring the safety of our community through a compassionate and professional service.
"I will represent the Town of Hamden in the most professional and responsive manner while continuing to remain humble and dedicated to our mission."
The members of the Hamden Fire Retirees Association wish Asst. Chief Naples all the very best in his new role in the leadership of the Department. Good luck, Chief!
Posted 3/24/2022
"It's returning everyone home to their families at the end of their tour, ensuring the safety of our community through a compassionate and professional service." |
Left to right: Parents Karen & Richard Naples, sons Anthony and Angelo, Asst.Chief Naples, son Marcello, and wife Carissa. |
Mayor Lauren Garrett's appointment of Naples to this critical department position demonstrates once again that an all-out effort to improve one's knowledge, skills, and abilities, coupled with years of practical leadership experience, is the key to advancing the fire department. |
May 29, 2019 - This photo was taken the day Naples was sworn in as captain. He is flanked by (L to R) Chief Merwede and Asst. Chief Charles Lubowicki Jr., the man he succeeded. |
History of Hamden's Assistant Chiefs
When the Hamden Fire Department was re-organized under career fire officers in April 1942, the department's only full-time administrative position was that of Fire Chief, a position that was filled by Raymond C. Spencer. Chief Spencer had no second-in-command, but that eventually would change.
On July 9, 1956, the Board of Fire Commissioners appointed Albert Purce to be the department's Assistant Chief, in addition to his duties as Fire Marshal. When Bob O'Donnell became marshal following Purce's 1968 retirement, he was offered the department's number two position but declined.
The shift commanders and the training officer were all management positions in 1968, and all held the department rank of "Deputy Chief." Without a permanent second-in-command, Chief V. Paul Leddy decreed that in his absence the senior on-duty deputy chief would be Acting Chief of the Department.
When the five deputy chiefs and the marshal joined the union in 1982, the only management department member was Chief Leddy. In his absence, the Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners was the Acting Chief. This awkward situation led to the 1983 creation of a permanent second-in-command, properly designated as "Assistant Chief."
EMS Officer Walter Macdowall was appointed as the department's first permanent career assistant chief. He was sworn in with Chief John Tramontano on April 30, 1984.
Those serving as second-in-command since 1942:
Albert Purce (1956 - 1968)
Walt Macdowall (1984 - 1991)
Paul Wetmore Sr.* (1991 - 1993)
Timothy Sullivan* (1993 - 1996)
Edward Badamo (1996 - 2004)
Clark Hurlburt (2005 - 2010)
Robert Surprise (2010 - 2013)
Gary Merwede* (2014 - 2018)
Charles Lubowicki Jr. (2019-2021)
Jeffrey Naples - (2022 - )
*Subsequently appointed Chief of Department