Pipers Mike Dowling and Ed Evers opened the festivities . . . |
. . . followed by a blessing by Rev. Owen Sanderson, who remembered Bob Kelo, Walt Vining and Bil Davin, who passed since the last dinner. |
Mayor Curt Balzano-Leng issued a proclamation honoring the two retirees |
2017 Honorees C.J. Hedges and Paul Tavaras |
Comm. Henry Candido, Paul Tavaras, Comm. James O'Brien, Clifford ("CJ") Hedges, Comm. Eric Curtis Jr., amd Comm. Richard Reilly |
Local 2687 Veep Dave Beaton did another stellar job emceeing the event. |
Local Pres. Kurt Vogt and Commr. Henry Candido present CJ with his watch. |
C.J. Hedges |
Local Pres. Kurt Vogt and Commr. Henry Candido present Paul with his watch. |
Paul Tavaras |
Stacie and Paul Tavaras |
Tom and Betty Doherty |
Jim and Debbie Dunlop |
Cheryl and John O'Dea |
Fern and Carolina Feliz |
Chick Manware, Jim Leddy with Augie and Peg Williams |
Rich and Mary Maybury |
Bill and Cindy Fitzmaurice |
Barb and Dave Johnson |
Dennis Harrison |
Carol and Jim LaFond |
Dave Wood with Kevin Recca and Angela Lea |
Harold Mangler |
Jeanie and Glenn Tricarico |
Angela and Mike Mordecai (and photo bomber) |
Bobby Slater, up from Florida for the dinner - some great stories! |
Ed Evers and Bill Coppola |
Ruth and Lenny Lye, two good friends of the local and the retirees |