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July 2021
Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012 Website is updated every Friday - Important interim updates will be posted when necessary
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Hamden Mayor Scott Jackson Proclaims
December 10, 2012
Edward D. Meegen Day in the Town of Hamden
Dec. 10 - Dozens of active and retired career and volunteer Hamden firefighters attended a solemn ceremony at the Hamden Government Center this morning at 11, to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the line of duty death of Centerville Co. No. 4 volunteer firefighter, Edward D. Meegan.
Hamden Mayor Scott Jackson read his proclamation making today, December 10, 2012, Edward D. Meegan Day in the Town of Hamden. The Mayor presented the proclamation to Mr. Meegan's niece and goddaughter, Mrs. Phillip (Inez Meegan) Shea of Mt. Carmel, who attended with her husband and son. An article with photos and a video of the ceremony will be posted on the weekly update this coming Friday.
Posted 12/10/12
John at 3s on his last day |
Captain John O'Dea Retires
Hamden Fire Department Training Officer, Capt. John O'Dea, retired at the end of November after nearly 32 years on the job. John came to the HFD after serving as a police officer with the Cheshire Police Department.
John was one of eight new recruits hired in January 1981, a group that included Firefighter Jay Connolly and Dep. Chief Bob Surprise, both of whom are still on the job. Others in that Class of January 1981 included John Longo, Harold Prescher, Tim O'Flynn, Bob Stacy and Paul Wetmore, Jr.
A truly dedicated firefighter and paramedic, John spent many years of his long career on the rescues. He was the recipient of several commendations, including a Mayor's Award presented to him and three other firefighters in 1983 for saving the life of a retired Hamden police sergeant who was in anaphylactic shock following numerous bee stings.
1983 - Mayor's Award |
Following promotions to lieutenant and captain over the past dozen years, John was appointed training officer in 2010, replacing Bill Fitzmaurice on his promotion to battalion chief.
The HFRA wishes John a very long, happy and healthy retirement. Hoping to see him at the HFRA January 8th gathering at the Elks.
Posted 12/7/12
(All Nov. 30 photos by Lt. Joe Anderson - 1983 photo courtesy of D/C Bob Surprise)
November 30 - At Station 3 on John 's last day on the job, Ff. Jay Connolly, B/C Don LaBanca and Marshal Dennis Harrison are pictured here with John at one of several firehouse farewells. Jay and John both joined the department on January 12, 1981.
June 1974 - Rappelling off the old Centerville School
Deputy Chief Joe McDermott, Firefighter Ed Charbonneau and other members of Platoon 2 practiced rappelling off the roof of the old Centerville School in June 1974. These photos, taken by Ed Doiron, Sr., show Joe as he stepped off and descended. Joe was joined by Ed Charbonneau, who exited from a second floor window. (Any of the five photos may be enlarged with a CLICK on the image.)
Stepping off! |
Joe McDermott and Ed Charbonneau |
Joe starts his descent |
Ed Charbonneau exits window |
Eddie Charbonneau |
When the old Centerville School closed in the early 1970s, it became home to various town offices, including those of Chief V. Paul Leddy and Marshal Bob "Bubby" O'Donnell. By 1979 Hamden's fire administrative offices had moved back to the town hall - in the basement near the vault - and the old school underwent extensive (and expensive) renovations, morphing into the present day Miller Library and Thornton Wilder Hall.
Edward Charbonneau
Newspaper article courtesy of Gilbert Spencer |
Firefighter-Paramedic Edward Charbonneau (1939-82) |
Thirty years ago, on December 4, 1982, our department was shocked and saddened when Firefighter-Paramedic Edward G. Charbonneau died sudddenly while on weekend exercises with the U.S. Army Reserve. He was 43.
A very dedicated firefighter and paramedic, Eddie Charbonneau personified the word "professionalism." He was one of Hamden's first EMTs when the program was established in 1971, and was in the first Advanced Life Support class in 1976, becoming one of Hamden's first paramedics.
Check out the 35-year old Hamden Chronicle newspaper article at right to read more about Ed and his contributions to Hamden's early EMS program.
Firefighter-Paramedic Edward Charbonneau was survived by his wife, Joan Longley Charbonneau, his daughter Amy Elizabeth, and his three sons, Edward G., Jr., Peter and David.
Posted 12/4/12
Ed Charbonneau was one of the first members of the department's Mountain Rescue Team. Ed is seen in the photo below with Firefighter Tom Conway (right) carrying a Stokes stretcher down the quarry at Sleeping Giant State Park during a 1981 training session.
CLICK to enlarge poster |
| Quinnipiac University
is sponsoring a
Guardian Services Day
One ticket for both
Women's and Men's
basketball games on
Saturday, January 5, 2013
A great stocking stuffer at Christmas!!
Contact Bob Mordecai
Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2012 Website is updated every Friday - Important interim updates will be posted when necessary
CLICK to go to HGSRA webpage |
Edward D. Meegan |
Edward D. Meegan Tribute
1927 Line of Duty Death Commemorated by Department
(All photos of the ceremony by Bob Mordecai)
About eighty members of the Hamden Fire Department, past and present, career and volunteer, turned out last Monday, December 10th, to honor Hamden volunteer firefighter Edward D. Meegan on the 85th anniversary of the tragic accident that took his life.
In a brief ceremony at the Hamden Government Center, commencing at the same hour of Meegan's last alarm 85 years earlier, Mayor Scott D. Jackson issued a proclamation naming December 10, 2012 as "Edward D. Meegan Day in the Town of Hamden." The Mayor presented his proclamation to Mr. Meegan's goddaughter, Inez Meegan Shea of Mt. Carmel, who attended with her husband Phillip and son, Phillip, Jr. Mrs. Shea's father, William H. Meegan, was Firefighter Meegan's older brother.
Shortly after 11 on the morning of December 10, 1927, Edward Meegan, a volunteer firefighter with Centerville Co. 4, responded to a call with six others on Engine 4. As it was crossing a bridge over Lake Whitney, the 1925 Seagrave pumper contacted a raised trolley rail, spun out of control and struck a utility pole. Ff. Meegan sustained severe injuries and died the following day. (Scroll down for Nov. 30th article.)
Addressing an audience of past and present career and volunteer officers and firefighters, Fire Chief David Berardesca noted, "The foundation of our department was built on individuals such as Edward Meegan - they made us what we are today . . . I am certain that our first fire chief in town, Charles Loller, was proud to serve with Edward, just as we are proud to serve his memory."
Department Chaplain, Rev. Owen Sanderson, read from a verse that is etched on a firefighters' memorial in Colorado. Retired HFD Capt. Dave Johnson, secretary and historian for the Hamden Fire Retirees Association, thanked all who attended and held up Mr. Meegan's badge, which Mrs. Shea donated to the Association for its archives and eventual display in a Hamden fire museum. Johnson said that the badge "will be treasured." He then introduced Mrs. Shea, who smiled and thanked everyone for the tribute to her uncle.
Meegan's Badge |
An honor guard comprised of five members of the Hamden Professional Firefighters Association, Local 2687, IAFF, stood at attention at the front of the room throughout the ceremony, which concluded with Capt. Ed Evers' moving rendition of "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes.
The HFRA hopes to purchase a memorial plaque for Station 4 to permanently recognize Firefighter Meegan and his sacrifice in the line of duty. The Department will submit Firefighter Meegan's name for inclusion on the Connecticut State Firefighter's Memorial at Windsor Locks and the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial at Emmitsburg.
Posted 12/14/12
Mayor Jackson greets the Shea Family before the start of the ceremony |
Mayor's Proclamation - CLICK to enlarge |
Honor Guard (L-R) - Supt. Don Buechele, Capt. Ron Desroches, Ff. Craig Smart, Capt. Brion Tierney and Ff. Dave Beaton. Dept. Chaplain, Rev. Owen Sanderson in foreground. (Photos by Bob Mordecai) |
The HFRA Memorial video has been revised.
CLICK on the image at left.
Posted 12/14/12
c. 1975 - Ace Callahan dispatching at Station 4
This photo of Robert "Ace" Callahan was taken about 1975 in the Alarm Room at Station 4, when Ace was the dispatcher on Platoon 4. Note the Gamewell tape take-up reel, time stamp and tape register in the upper left. The black "house phone" right below was a Stromberg-Carlson desk telephone that was connected on a private circuit to all stations.
To dispatch a call, the dispatcher pushed a button on the console to open all alarm circuits for one hit of the Gamewell alert bells in each station. This was followed a tone signal lasting several seconds over loud speakers in all stations, which also broadcast anything spoken on the house phone for all to hear. When the tone alert stopped, each station watchman replied in succession on his station's house phone. Once all stations acknowledged, the dispatcher announced the apparatus on the response followed by the nature of the call. New dispatch procedures added cross streets and map numbers when fire dispatch went to Central.
The alarm room had several different configurations during its forty years at Station 4. This was the way it looked when it closed in November 1981. (Photo courtesy of Joe Rahl)
Posted 12/14/12
1971 - Ralph Tortora and John Reynolds at Station 2 when the '65 Mack was Engine 2. (Photo courtesy of John Reynolds) |
CLICK to enlarge poster |
Christmas will be here SOON!
Contact Bob Mordecai
Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2012 Website is updated every Friday - Important interim updates will be posted when necessary
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Dec. 21 - Church bells throughout Connecticut will ring 26 times at 9:30 this morning
in memory of the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings last Friday.
Wherever you are, please observe a minute of silence this morning at 9:30.
Check back tomorrow, December 22nd, for this week's regular website update.
Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2012 Website is updated every Friday - Important interim updates will be posted when necessary
CLICK to go to HGSRA webpage |
Merry Christmas 50 Years Ago!
New Haven Register, December 21, 1962 |
Nine new firefighters began training in January 1970 at Station 9 with D/C Training Officer Daniel Hume. This was the third group of recruits hired in preparation for the 42-hour workweek that began the following October. A fourth group of new firefighters, fourteen in number, began their recruit training six months later.
The photo below was taken after the nine men finished their training and received their badges from Fire Commission Chairman Ted Baroncini. All nine of these guys went the distance. The last one, Lt. Bill Marak, retired on the last day of 2001.
Website thanks to retiree John Reynolds for letting these articles be scanned for inclusion on the website. These are among the kinds of historical photos and articles we are looking for!
Postred 12/22/12
February 1970 - New Haven Register (CLICK to enlarge) |
Bobby Kelo was caught by surprise at his Station 3 bunkroom cleaning station in 1975 by photographer Joe Rahl. |
Reprising these department Christmas party photos from last year (and the year before) - Enjoy!
2000 Christmas Party - CLICK to view photos. |
Memories of Christmas Past
For decades, starting with the Hamden Paid Firemen's Sick Benefit Association, the members of the Hamden Fire Department have celebrated the Christmas season with a party for their children and grandchildren. For over 30 years, the annual holiday gathering has been sponsored by the Hamden Professional Firefighters, Local 2687, IAFF. We have pictures from the Christmas parties of 1983 and 2000. (We're always looking for more!)
Re-posted 12/22/11
1983 Christmas Party - CLICK to view photos. |
Those who have pictures from these or other Christmas parties are urged to share them (hfdbadge102@aol.com).
The members of the Hamden Fire Retirees' Association wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.
To our brothers and sisters who continue to serve in the fire, police and EMS services in Hamden and elsewhere, we wish you and yours a very Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year.
| |
Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2012 Website is updated every Friday - Important interim updates will be posted when necessary
CLICK to go to HGSRA webpage |
To our brothers and sisters who continue to serve in the fire, police and EMS services in Hamden and elsewhere, the members of the Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. wish you and yours a very Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year.
| |
Remembering Art Heriot
1975 - Firefighter Art Heriot at Station 4 (Photo by Joe Rahl) - CLICK to enlarge |
| Everyone who knew Art Heriot knew that he was one-of-a-kind. An excellent firefighter, Art possessed a monumental sense of humor and the uncanny ability to imitate certain movie legends, as well as high-ranking department officers, on the telephone.
All of the firefighters who worked at Station 4 were expected to fill in for the dispatcher, whether he was having lunch or on vacation. When Art acted as dispatcher, the morning radio test was sometimes conducted by John Wayne or Marlon Brando (think "Godfather").
Art was known to bamboozle näive fire department newbies (and even some old-timers) on the phone, convincing them that he was actually Chief V. Paul Leddy, often with hilarious and unprintable results. Sometimes Art's natural comedic talents didn't pan out too well. One Sunday morning Art answered the alarm room telephone with a flawless imitiation of Chief Leddy's unique and distinctly reedy vocal qualities, "Hamden Fire Department, Chief Leddy speaking." The caller was Chief Leddy. Fortuntely for Art, the Chief also had a sense of humor.
Art served on the department from 1957 until he retired in 1993. He passed away April 17, 2009.
Art was survived by his widow, Noreen, who is an Honorary Member of the HFRA, and by his children Arthur and Joyce Heriot of Hebron, David and Marybeth March of Griswold and Michael and Paula Heriot of Columbia and his much loved grandsons Jonathan and Seth March. He was also survived by his sister Judy Dwyer of Hamden and many nieces and nephews. A brother, Paul Heriot, predeceased him.
Posted 12/28/12
New Year's Eve 1992-93 at Station 4
A camcorder documented a brief, typically irreverant, and heavily edited slice of firehouse life at Station 4 on Platoon 2 twenty years ago, during the final minutes of 1992. The whole crew was there that night - no extras, except for hydrant maintainer Larry G, who was our guest for a gourmet swordfish dinner prepared by Jim Dunlop in the old, old downstairs kitchen. The festivities included some family members and Dick Clark. An added treat is a brief tour of the upstairs sleeping quarters 17 years before they were finally renovated. Enjoy - and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Posted 12/28/12
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1978 - Ff. Guy White on Truck 2 |
June 30, 1853
Here is the earliest newspaper account yet uncovered of a fire in Hamden, from the New Haven Palladium of July 1, 1853. The exact location of the building was not given, but some further investigation may reveal the site.
Apparently this "fire proof" building wasn't so fire proof. Forty-three years before the organization of Hamden's first fire company, the result of even a small fire was usually the total loss of those portions of a building and its contents that were combustible.
Posted 12/28/12
Photocopy provided by Julie Hulten (see article below) |
A Year-End Thank-You to HFRA's Friends at the Hamden Historical Society
Hamden Historical Society Archivist Joe Pepe |
Julie Hulten |
Gil Spencer - HFD B/C (Ret.) |
Sandy Marenholz (always in a bad mood!) |
With the close of yet another year, we thought it about time to finally acknowledge some of the Thursday afternoon regulars at the Hamden Historical Society's history room on the upper level of the Miller Library. These folks have been enormously helpful with our HFD preservation efforts by providing many leads and lots of encouragement over the past three-plus years.
We are especially grateful to the Society's archivist, Joe Pepe. Joe is a retired school teacher who has so generously allowed us to reproduce many irreplacable fire department photos and manuscripts from the Society's archives. Julie Hulten, also a retired school teacher, was a librarian in the Wallingford school system for the last twelve of her twenty-eight years as an educator. Julie is an avid hiker and frequent lecturer on the history of the Sleeping Giant. Our own Gil Spencer has been a member of the HHS for decades. Gil contributes many suggestions for HFRA website stories that he finds among the hundreds of individual Hamden files. If there is anything Gil doesn't know about Hamden's history and the Sleeping Giant, it's probably not worth knowing. Sandy Marenholz grew up in Mt. Carmel and has been researching several Mt. Carmel history projects lately. As her photo attests, Sandy is a frequent and unabashed pushover for the photographer's stupid jokes.
Thanks, gang!
Posted 12/28/12
December 1984 - Mayor Peter Villano and Chief John Tramontano with Hamden's two new 1000 GPM Pierce Dash pumpers that went in service in January 1985. The pumper on the left was placed in service as Engine 4, not Engine 1, as the designation plate on the door indicated. The last of these two pumpers, which were standard shift, was removed from service in 2010. |
| Hamden Elks's Community Service Awards Night.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Elks Lodge #2224, 175 School Street
Social Hour 6–7 p.m. - Dinner at 7 p.m.
Cash Bar - Program to Follow
Citizen of the Year - Arthur I Erickson
Outstanding Police Officer - Angela Hall
Outstanding Firefighter - Kevin P. Martin
Outstanding Volunteer Firefighter - Russell A. Olson
Donation: $20.00 Tickets Purchased after January 15th $25.00