Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
May 29, 1917 |
FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2017
Website is updated every Friday - Important interim updates will be posted when necessary
Next regular update is Friday, June 2nd.
Flags fly at half-staff Monday until 12:00 noon.
CLICK to monitor HFD radio |
Hamden's 2017 Memorial Day parade has been canceled due to the expected bad weather.
Wherever you may be at 3 p.m., please remember to pause in an act of national unity for a duration of one minute to remember those who gave their last full measure of devotion for our country.
Also, under the Flag Code as revised in 1978, it is permissible to fly the U.S. Flag during inclement weather provided your flag is made of weather resistant material, such as nylon. Do not fly it if your flag is cotton. If you do fly your flag on Memorial Day, it first should be raised fully, then lowered to half-staff until noon. At noon, the Flag raised to full staff.
The Executive Board of the Hamden Fire Retirees Association wishes everyone a thoughtful and meaningful Memorial Day holiday.
Posted 2000 hrs, 5/28/17
To all HFD retirees:
Once again, Local 2687 and Chief David Berardesca invite all HFD retirees who still have their dress blues to join the active HFD members in Hamden's 2017 Memorial Day Parade next Monday, May 29th.
HFD personnel and retirees in their dress blues are asked to assemble on the parkway side of Hamden High School at 0930 hours. The parade starts at 1000, and will proceed up Dixwell Avenue from the high school to Whitney Avenue.
Participation in Hamden's Memorial Day Parade has always been a tangible way for our firefighters to honor those who sacrificed their lives in the defense of our country. It is also a time to remember our deceased brothers who once marched with us.
The HFRA wishes everyone a safe and meaningful Memorial Day!
Posted 5/26/17
1973 - "If they could fight in the rain and die in the rain, then we can damn well march in the rain to honor them!"
Short of a hurricane, it couldn't have gotten any wetter that 1973 Memorial Day. But Hamden's parade went off as scheduled and there were plenty of stalwart spectators along the way. In the photo above, snapped by Patricia Doiron, most of the large HFD contingent is eclipsed by the spectators to the right.
Unfortunately, some Hamden parades since '73 have been canceled because of a light rain, or when it only looked like it was going to rain. (Hoping it doesn't happen again in '17.)
Posted 5/26/17
Domenic Vaccaro Photo |
The boys at HQ on Platoon 2 were demonstrating "alarm readiness" during this 1963 faux game of setback (for the benefit of the photographer). This was one of several "day in the life" photos taken for a Sunday New Haven Register feature on the Hamden Fire Department. Today, it is a completely different ball, er, card game.
Posted 5/26/17
The Hamden Chronicle, June 3, 1954 (Hamden Historical Society) - CLICK to enlarge |
| Until 1971, Memorial Day was always observed on May 30th. In 1954, Memorial Day fell on a Sunday, so the parade was held the following day.
FYI Dept - The Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968 mandated that starting in 1971 four federal holidays would be observed on a Monday. Washington's Birthday (February 22nd) was moved to the third Monday of February. Although not officially part of the Act, this ostensibly combined the observances of Lincoln's birthday (February 12th) and Washington's birthday into what is popularly known as "Presidents Day."
Memorial Day, observed tradi- tionally on May 30th, would be observed on the last Monday of May. Columbus Day, traditionally October 12th, would be observed on the second Monday of October. And Veterans' Day, traditionally observed on the anniversary of the 1918 Armistice, November 11th, would thenceforth fall on the fourth Monday of October.
In 1978, Congress moved Veterans' Day back to its traditional November 11th date. In recent years, many unsuccessful legislative attempts have been made to move Memorial Day back to the traditional May 30th date.
Originally posted 5/31/14
Hamden's World War II Honor Roll, which stood on the site of the future Miller Memorial Library until 1951. |
Lawrence Bellemore
Edward Bevins
Warren Blake
William Bossoli
Robert Callahan
Michael Cantarella
Raymond Carofano
Joseph Collins
Fiore Cubbellotti
Thomas Cummins
Francis Eitler
William Esposito
Salvatore Ferraro
Frederick Fletcher
Kenneth Harrington
David Herrmann Burton Hillocks
| William Hines
John Hoffman
David Howe
Joseph Hromadka
Howard Hurlburt, Sr.
Samuel Jones Stewart Keeler
Frederick Knudsen
John Laffin
Francis Leddy
V. Paul Leddy
Richard Lostritto
Eugene Maturo
Joseph McDermott
John McKee
Hugh McLean Russell Norman
| Daniel O'Connell Robert O'Donnell Joseph Rahl Alfred Ramelli George Reutenauer Paul Rosadina Vincent Roth Mario Serafino Arthur Smith Richard Stacey Emil Strain James Strain Luke Tobin Sidney Trower Raymond Vreeland Robert Williams Gerald Wolf
Please keep all of our
troops, past and present, in your thoughts and prayers.
A notation regarding the Honor Roll listed in the 1942 Hamden Town Report reads, "With no official list of names obtainable, it is regretted that names may, inadvertently, have been omitted." The website's list was compiled from Town Reports and other sources. Corrections are welcome.
Originally posted on 5/30/10
We will always remember our brother firefighters who made the supreme sacrifice, and the thousands of other innocent victims who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
Always keep them, their families and the FDNY in your thoughts and prayers.