Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
CLICK here for daily flag status |
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016
Website is updated every Friday - Important interim updates will be posted when necessary
CLICK to monitor HFD radio |
Firefighter Charbonneau |
Remembering Firefighter Edward G. Charbonneau,
Who Died in the Line of Duty, Serving His Country
Edward "Eddie" Charbonneau was appointed to the Hamden Fire Department on August 27, 1968. During his fourteen-year career, Eddie was a loyal and dedicated firefighter. He was among Hamden's first seventeen Emergency Medical Technicians in 1971. Five years later, Eddie was among Hamden's first paramedics.
In addition to his fire department career, Ed Charbonneau also served in the U.S. Army Reserve. On Saturday, December 4, 1982, while on maneuvers with the U.S. Army Reserve in Windsor Locks, Edward Charbonneau died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage. He was 43 years old.
On this Memorial Day, we remember HFD's Firefighter/Paramedic Edward G. Charboneau.
Posted 5/27/16
To all HFD retirees:
Once again, Local 2687 and Chief David Berardesca invite all HFD retirees who still have their dress blues to join the active HFD members in Hamden's 2016 Memorial Day Parade next Monday, May 30th.
HFD personnel and retirees in their dress blues are asked to assemble on the sidewalk in front of Hamden High School between 0900 and 0930 hours. The parade starts at 1000, and will proceed up Dixwell Avenue from the high school to Whitney Avenue. The career contingent this year is part of the Honor Guard Unit, and marching in the first group stepping off.
Participation in Hamden's Memorial Day Parade has always been a tangible way for our firefighters to honor those who sacrificed their lives in the defense of our country. It is also a time to remember our deceased brothers who once marched with us.
The HFRA wishes everyone a safe and meaningful Memorial Day!
Posted 5/27/16
60 Years Ago!
May 26, 1956
Hamden Cooperative Poultry Auction Assn.
2311 Whitney Avenue
The New Haven Register, May 26, 1956 (Courtesy of Chan Brainard) |
Posterity Project
Platoon 2 - Station 5
A website celebration of today's future HFD retirees.
Ff. Tavaras |
Lieut. Jeff Woodford, Firefighter Paul Turner and Firefighter Mike Deline, Jr.
Firefighter Paul Tavaras (left), a member of Engine 5's crew on Platoon 2, suffered
a serious back injury on the job last year. He hopes to be back on the job soon.
Posted 5/27/16
30 Years Ago!
Live Fire Training on Arch Street
Well aware that live fire training promotes overall firefighter safety and efficiency, and that doing it in town would result in significant savings, Chief John Tramontano anticipated that live fire training in this old house on Arch Street might help Hamden's politicians to understand the wisdom of funding a permanent fire training facility for Hamden. It didn't work - and the department is still waiting.
Live Fire Training, 195 Arch Street May 1986
In May 1986, an old house on Arch Street was scheduled for demolition to make way for a new condo complex. The owners, the Pasqualoni family of Cheshire, donated the house to the Hamden Fire Department for live fire training.
During the last two weeks of May, training in fire attack and ventilation tactics was conducted for all career and volunteer firefighters.
Over the course of two weeks, Co. 7's Vic Mitchell documented much of the training on his new VHS camcorder. During the final day of training, just before we let the building rip, the exercises were attended by a very unexpected visitor.
Originally posted 10/25/10
The New Haven Register, Friday, May 30, 1986 (Courtesy of Gil Spencer) |
Photo by Ed Doiron, Jr. |
Platoon 4 Commander (B/C) Francis "Chalky" Leddy observes members of his shift
as they advance an 1-3/4" line into the house donated for live fire training.
Advancing a line into the fire building |
The photo immediately below, featured in the May 21, 1986 edition of The Hamden Chronicle, identified the officer as Lieut. Doug Yocher, and the nozzlemen as Firefighters Mark Barletta and Bob Kenney. The photo was subsequently published in the
1985-86 Annual Report of the Town of Hamden.
Photos by Steve Manente |
Truck company firefighters preparing to open the roof |
Where the house stood (until May 31, 1986) |
CLICK to enlarge |
Retired Dep. Chief Clark Hurlburt found this radio ID plate, once mounted next to the microphone in Engine 5 back when its radio designation was "Engine 35." This plate would have been in that engine when the photo at right was taken at Station 5 in July 1973. Those double-digit radio designations for all fire department units gave way to regular engine, truck, rescue and staff car designations on July 1, 1974.
Posted 5/27/16
PHOTO: July 1973 - Engine 5 personnel Ffs. John O'Hare and Joe Mulligan, with Co. 5 volunteers Steve Blennerhasset (standing), Bill Chalmers (top), Paul Moody and Clark Hurlburt (tailboard).
The website is taking the summer off this year.
The last regular weekly update will be Friday, June 24th.
Regular updates will resume Friday, September 9th.
As always, important notifications and reports of significant incidents
will be posted immediately on the HOME page - so keep checking in.
Dave J.
2016 Harley Davidson to be Raffled!
The Renegade Pigs Motorcycle Club, Gertz-Meriden Motorcycle Club of Connecticut, Inc. is comprised of police officers, firefighters, and any other public safety officers or employees. The club sponsors the High Hopes Home in Meriden for severely handicapped and abandoned children.
The Club also makes donations to other charities during the year, including Thanksgiving and Christmas turkeys for the Home, the Meriden Fire Department and, when possible, other organizations that support their cause. The Club's only source of income is an annual Motorcycle Raffle.
This year's raffle prize - the ONLY prize - is a
Brand New 2016 Harley Davidson Street Glide!
Only 2000 tickets will be sold, at a cost of $20.00 per ticket.
And if the winner prefers, the dealer will negotiate a cash buy-back.
The drawing for this beautiful motorcycle will take place on July 30th at 5:00 p.m. at the Meriden American Legion, Post #45, 835 Hanover Rd., Meriden, Connecticut. The lucky winner need not be present at the drawing, but is responsible for all taxes.
Contact Rich (Rambo) Maybury at 203-927-1641 for a ticket (or tickets) and/or for more information.