Hamden Fire Retirees Association, Inc. |
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FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2016
Website is updated every Friday - Important interim updates will be posted when necessary
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Firefighter Kurt Vogt, Maria, and Firefighter Chip Talmadge |
Helping Our "Best Friend"
HFD Called to the Giant
Last Wednesday evening, a male caller notified Hamden Central Communications that his seven-year-old dog named Maria had collapsed while hiking with him at Sleeping Giant State Park and he was unable to remove the dog from the trail without help. Engines 5 and 9 were dispatched to the park at 7:23.
With the assistance of the State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), firefighters from both engine companies entered the park from the far eastern trailhead on Chestnut Lane.
The exhausted German Shepard-mix was found approximately a third of a mile in on the Yellow trail. A portable stretcher was used to hand-carry Maria to a waiting DEEP ATV, for removal from the woods.
There were no personnel injuries and all units were back in service at 8:30. The HFD has responded for 10 rescues on Sleeping Giant since the beginning of this year. Nice job, guys!
Posted 5/20/16
September 16, 2002 - Bob Mordecai took this photo during a break in a training session at an old house on Shepard Avenue that was scheduled for demolition. L-R: Capt. Dave Strawhince, Ff. Craig Smart, Ff. Brion Tierney, and Lt. Jim Dunlop.
At the end of this month, Jim will have been retired ten years. Dave retired at the end of August 2010. Both are members of the HFRA, of which Jim is vice president.
Originally posted 5/20/11
70 Years Ago!
May 16, 1946 (maybe)*
Gag's Pepper Pot
1115 Dixwell Avenue
Gag's Pepper Pot was a popular eatery and bar located just south of the Safety Electric Company complex in Hamden's "bank section" on Dixwell Avenue. From viewing a later aerial photo of the area, it is apparent that this heavily damaged building was saved and remodeled. The building remained standing for more than another 50 years before being razed to create a parking lot for a new CVS pharmacy.
This I.A. Sneiderman photo is courtesy of the Hamden Professional Firefighters Association, Local 2687, IAFF. |
*The location and supposed dates of this fire were marked on these photos. One photo gave the date of the fire as May 6, 1946, and the other May 16, 1946.
Researching microfilm images of the New Haven Evening Register for May 1946 resulted in no articles about, or any references to this fire. The Hamden Chronicle did not begin publishing until August 1946.
The little newspaper blurb about this fire in the image above was scanned from a September 1946 Hamden Chronicle article about memorable Hamden fires. After citing a litany of famous Hamden fires of the past, Gag's being the last mentioned, the author continued, "In May of this year Himmel Brothers suffered a $16,000 loss from a blaze . . . " Noting that the Himmel Brothers fire alone occured "this year," suggests that the Gag's Pepper Pot fire probably did not occur in 1946. (Additional information about this fire would be greatly appreciated - hfdbadge102@aol.com)
The fact that the Hamden Police Department was involved in the fire investigation suggests that arson may have been suspected.
Posted 5/20/16
Interior, the next day. Two men in the background may be from HPD (Photo courtesy of the Hamden Police Department) |
From "This is Hamden" - Hamden Chamber of Commerce (1948) |
HFD Responds to Lake Wintergreen on Report of Overturned Kayak
Thursday morning May 19th at 8:31, the Hamden Fire Department was called to assist the Hamden Police Department and officers from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) in a search at the West Rock Ridge State Park.
A hiker in the area had reported seeing an over-turned kayak in Lake Wintergreen, near the Western shore. However, at the time of the Thursday morning search no one had been reported missing. Hikers and boaters who had been in the area since early morning reported no unusual activity or any persons in distress.
The HFD launched a boat with firefighters in cold water rescue suits to search the forty-four acre lake and shoreline. A thermal imaging camera was deployed to assist with the search along the shoreline.
Hamden Police Department and DEEP officers searched wooded areas. Fire department units cleared the scene at 10:03, after nothing unusual was found; the HPD and DEEP remained. Anyone with information on this incident is urged to contact the Hamden Police Department at 203-230-4000. Posted 5/20/16
Ff/Paramedic Tim Doyle and Ff/EMT Zachary Criscuolo |
Dept. Members Honored by Yale-New Haven Hospital
Sponsor Hospital Program During EMS Week
L-R: Dep. Chief Gary Merwede, Ff./EMT Larry DeBurra, Ff./Paramedic Kevin Martin, Lieut. Dan Such, Ff./EMT Nelson Hwang, Ff./EMT Shane Schaffer and Chief David Berardesca. (CLICK to enlarge) |
On May 16th, the Yale-New Haven Hospital Sponsor Hospital Program (YNHHSHP) celebrated EMS Week by awarding Cardiac Arrest Save Unit Citations to the crews of nine local EMS agencies. The agencies all operate under the medical direction of YNHHSHP and the medical protocols in place for emergency medical care in the field.
Five members of the Hamden Fire Department were honored for their efforts to revive a 66-year-old male patient who had suffered full cardiac arrest in his gym on April 7th, 2016. Receiving the unit citation were HFD's Lieut. Dan Such, Firefighter/Paramedics Shane Schaffer, Kevin Martin, and Firefighter/EMTs Nelson Hwang and Larry DeBurra, who initiated advance life support to revive the patient. The HFD medics assisted AMR crew members Michael Violano and William Crisci, who transported the patient to the hospital.
As she presented the awards, EMS Medical Director Dr. Sandy Bogucki stressed the role of early intervention in cases of sudden cardiac events, including prompt activation of the 911 system and the advanced life-support efforts of the responding EMS crews. The 66 year old Hamden resident has since been discharged to his home and is doing well.
Posted 5/20/16
Posterity Project
Platoon 3 - Station 5
A website celebration of today's future HFD retirees.
Left to right: Capt. Greg Bannon, Ff. Kim Talmadge and Ff. Jay McCarthy
Posted 5/20/16
(Note: Engine 1 was subbing for Engine 5 the day this photo was taken.)
The website thanks the Fire Chief's Office and Dep. Chief Gary Merwede for providing all information and photos regarding the three department activities during the past week that have been posted in this week's website update.